Jogadas de sábado intensificadas

setembro 25, 2020   |   Staff Writer   |   Marketing   |   MyBookie   |   Sports   |   xBet

Neste sábado, 26 de setembro de 2020, receba odds incríveis em todos os seus esportes favoritos a cada hora. Haverá um Odds Boost lançado a cada hora das 10:00 AM ET às 21:00 ET, para um total de 12 Odds Boosts ao longo do dia! Como funciona: um Odds Boost é projetado para dar [...]

5 Marketing Strategies for Sports Betting Affiliates

julho 23, 2017   |   Staff Writer   |   Marketing

  Marketing Strategies for Sports Betting Affiliates So, one of the buzzing industries in society now is a Sports Betting Affiliate. While the betting affiliate is not really the initial place to enter the bet, they are a place to get you signed up, and be a mecca for all things related. In this case, […]

4 Ways Content Can Boost Your Affiliate Referrals

julho 23, 2017   |   Staff Writer   |   Marketing

  Being an online affiliate is all about one thing — the referrals! The goal of any affiliate is to refer people to a product or service and get a commission or referral fee back in exchange. So how do you get more referrals? If this was easy — everyone would be doing it. But […]

What is Google Fred?

julho 23, 2017   |   Staff Writer   |   Marketing

What is Google Fred? As most webmaster or site owner are probably aware of, Google has released algorithm changes since its earliest days, often affecting sites that had previously dominated the top rankings in the search results. About a month ago, the SEO and webmaster community reported a Google Phantom Update that had a significant […]

5 Sportsbook Affiliate Tips – To Help Prepare for the NFL Postseason

julho 21, 2017   |   Staff Writer   |   Marketing

How can you prepare for the NFL Postseason? The NFL Postseason is one of the most lucrative times to be a sportsbook affiliate. But, if you aren’t prepared for the 3-4 weeks of “madness” that comes with the NFL Postseason, you will miss out. Every January, the weekends are filled with NFL Playoff games that […]